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Program Description
If alcohol will be served, a Certificate of Insurance showing $500,000 general liability coverage for Non-Profit and Private groups is required, and $1,000,000 general liability coverage for For-Profit groups is required for use of Multipurpose Rooms. Contact your homeowner’s or commercial insurance agent to obtain this certificate. The Lone Cone Library District should be named as additional insured on the certificate.
The Library District and its staff assume no responsibility or liability for the safety of persons attending events not sponsored by the District, for their personal effects, or for any rented or borrowed equipment or material.
The person or organization using a Meeting Room accepts full liability for any losses or damage beyond normal wear that may occur to Library facilities or equipment while in use by said person or organization. The person or organization fully releases and discharges the Library district and its directors, employees, and agents from any and all claims for injuries, including death, and/or property damage and any other damages or losses which may arise or which may be alleged to have arisen out of, or in connection with the meeting. In addition, organizations may be required to execute additional indemnification or related agreements deemed necessary by the Library Director.
As part of the reservation request to use Multipurpose Rooms, the group or organization shall agree to indemnify the District against any actions or suits undertaken in relation to use of the District’s meeting room and facilities. Please download and submit the Lone Cone Library District Liability Statement at the time of requesting a reservation for Multipurpose Rooms at least 72 hours prior to use of the room. The form may be submitted in person, mailed, or emailed to the attention of